“Sharing, supporting and protecting is a best practice that all companies should undertake, a choice of responsibility that every businessman should make.”
“Sharing, supporting and protecting is a best practice that all companies should undertake, a choice of responsibility that every businessman should make.”
The principle of corporate social responsibility must be adopted in every company.
Archigen’s ethical choice to improve social and cultural growth is expressed with the concrete commitment to support art, culture and landscape through the FAI – FONDO AMBIENTE ITALIANO (www.fondoambiente.it) of which it is CORPORATE GOLDEN DONOR since 2008.
Archigen follows sport values even in the corporate life.
Respect, collaboration, commitment are essential principles for Archigen employees.
Just as sport promotes sharing, integration and a sense of belonging, so our people “makes a team” (applying the ethical principles that are inherent in sports disciplines).
Sport teaches young athletes to respect rules, discipline and, in addition, the providing the discipline for achieving goals and thus contributing to their growth.
In sport, the prevention of cardiovascular risks is fundamental. It is well known that physical activity prevents illness but, on the other hand, silent or latent pathologies are, at times, boosted by physical exercise: the axiom “trained heart = healthy heart” is not always true. Prophylaxis is very important to understand if there is a risk to the health of the athlete.
This is why Archigen carries out an information campaign with the support of professionals in the sector, to spread the message that a good lifestyle is important: eating healthy and exercising by first carrying out adequate cardiovascular screening to avoid health dangers.
Archigen supports Leotennis, a Catania sports club affiliated with the Italian Tennis Federation, which organizes the only professional women’s tournaments in Southern Italy. It also supports the ASD Tennis Club Tommy, where tennis fans of all ages train.
Archigen also wants to help the families of children with serious illnesses. The sense of melancholy induced by hospitalization, the separation from parents – sometimes for very long periods – the repulsive asepticity of the hospital rooms, are all traumas that often accompany the little patients along the therapeutic path.
Archigen supports LAD ONLUS, an association that helps children with oncological diseases to improve their hospital quality of life both through creative stimuli that are important to face such a dramatic event, and by offering hospitality to parents to ensure that their children are not alone in an absolutely alienating context.
WonderLAD is LAD’s project to welcome young patients and their families in a beautiful and hospitable space, which allows them to continue their normal activities even during hospitalization. In WonderLad families have psychological support to help them overcome the sense of loneliness and helplessness that usually accompanies the disease.